

This site was created for the sole purpose of allowing you to easily download HD (High Definition) movie trailers. Most HD movie trailer sites try to obscure the real download link, forcing you to wait while the trailer buffers. Our goal is to provide easy access to HD movie trailers, where you can download the trailer or stream it directly, watch it in your own time whenever you want, and on the device and screen of your preference.

Most of our sources supply HD movie trailers in QuickTime format (*.mov). Some of our sources also provide them in Windows Media Video format (*.wmv). And thanks to Alex who will be providing 1080p MP4 encodings which you can play back on your PlayStation 3 (PS3) and XBOX 360 console machines.

Now go download some HD movie trailers and enjoy the beauty of it.








54 thoughts on “About

  1. After bashing my head against the wall watching Apple break every way of downloading a hi-def .mov trailer withOUT Quicktime, I’m very glad to discover this site.

    Great job, gentlemen (and ladies?)

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