Added Page Numbers to Main Catalog

Many people have told me that the left/right arrows for navigation are hard to discover. I’ve been meaning on trying to find a better way to navigate, but haven’t had much time. However it has come my attention that people who didn’t notice the left/right navigation arrows were using the Trailer Library sorted by date to find the latest trailers that aren’t on the first page. As you may have noticed and as I mentioned in the previous blog post, sorting by date is no longer an option for the Trailer Library. So for the time being I’ve added page #s above the trailer posters, hopefully making it more noticeable on how to navigate our main catalog.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, feel free to leave a comment!

Redesigned the Library View

So I finally found some time this weekend and did some work on redesigning the Library view. When it was first put together, I just quickly hacked up some code which would display all the movies on 1 page. Now I’ve split up the movies based on the 1st letter of the movie title. I’ve also fixed the sorting issue when a movie began with the word “The” or some non-alphanumeric character.

For the time being, I’ve disabled the ability to sort by date for the trailer library. I figured our main catalog is already sorted by post date and you also have access to the trailer history from our blog. If there’s enough demand, I may put it back.

Do check it out and provide us with some feedback!

Text view:
Poster view: