- Pick up Kick-Ass on Blu-ray for $13 @ Best Buy! I can finally my personal copy!
http://fb.me/I0T1r4Jk #
- Check out the HD trailer for Midnight Son. Interesting gritty take on a new vampire movie. http://fb.me/GB1t6wdb #
- @hdtrailers Looks like Amazon matched Best Buy's price. Kick-Ass Blu-ray for $12.99: http://amzn.to/bbk6us in reply to hdtrailers #
- w00t! Another TRON Legacy TV Spot in HD! http://fb.me/DazvMr1B #
- Haha! What's that sound? New HD clip for Due Date (Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis) http://fb.me/uJIYWRId #
- Don't forget to vote! In honor of election day, a Vote for Megamind ad has been released. I'd totally vote for… http://fb.me/uDT3t5WY #
- Just posted a restricted clip for Due Date (director of Hang Over)! Hilarious stuff! http://t.co/BYwXeA9 #
- A new Gulliver's Travels HD trailer has been released! Starring Jack Black! http://fb.me/DmtIG2GU #
- The 2nd HD trailer for Disney's Tangled has been released! Wheeeee! http://fb.me/KkyP71NB #
- A new HD trailer for Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch is out! This movie looks like it'll be awesome! http://fb.me/v1hava5u #
- No Strings Attached – a new romantic comedy starring Natalie Portman & Ashton Kutcher. HD trailer: http://fb.me/Dw3QB9q7 #
- @moviefone The new Sucker Punch trailer kicks major ass!
in reply to moviefone #
- @Moviebuff4REAL You can check out the No Strings Attached trailer now: http://www.hd-trailers.net/movie/no-strings-attached/ in reply to Moviebuff4REAL #
- "Rerezzed" – a neat TRON: Legacy HD trailer remix with music by The Glitch Mob. There's scenes I don't recall… http://fb.me/JlOcx4L8 #
- We've enabled mod_pagespeed on our website (thanks to @dreamhost). If you notice any problems, please let us know…. http://fb.me/NFATVoJ0 #
- @hdtrailers @dreamhost We've disabled mod_pagespeed for the time being. We were noticing some weird random issues. in reply to hdtrailers #
- What would you do if your wife gave you a 1-week hall pass? Hall Pass (Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis) HD trailer: http://fb.me/LzPYavX6 #
- Oooh! A new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows clip: 7 Harry's (via Movie-List.com) http://fb.me/wJX5Mb3r #
- Looks like a 3rd HD trailer has been released for Yogi Bear. http://fb.me/I0WLMX0j #
- Fans of The Triplets of Belleville will be sure to enjoy Sylvain Chomet's latest animation: The Illusionist. HD… http://fb.me/KpiCuR7d #
- HD trailer for The Way Back (Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan) – escapees trying to cross the… http://fb.me/A08mX4NA #
- Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston star in the new funny comedy Just Go With It. HD trailer: http://fb.me/A3rqiqUz #
- @hdtrailers Who else takes mental images of hot beautiful women? in reply to hdtrailers #
- Remember Remember the 5th of November. Who's going to watch V for Vendetta tonight? #
- Check out the wand battle in the latest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows HD clip – Cafe Attack: http://fb.me/DITtsWJ9 #
- Justin Timberlake & Mila Kunis star in the new raunchy comedy Friends With Benefits. Red band HD trailer: http://fb.me/tONZPMNd #
- @hdtrailers Friends With Benefits reminds me of the other recent movie trailer I posted: No Strings Attached: http://t.co/XmIs4Ad in reply to hdtrailers #
- Fans of Sintel may be interested in checking out the making of documentary. http://fb.me/JblyEQZI #
- @alisonhaislip I first learnt of that from Oldboy, a Korean thriller. in reply to alisonhaislip #
- Would you consider Sucker Punch fantasy or sci-fi? There's robots AND dragons! Can it be both??? http://fb.me/wQi3hkdV #
- Oooh! A new HD clip for Disney's Tangled – The Sidekics: http://bit.ly/avlVsP YouTube: http://fb.me/NeltcJCS #
- The Long Time clip for TRON: Legacy is now available in HD! See the reunion of Sam and Kevin Flynn! http://fb.me/DrRsLKdP #
- Oooh! A new HD clip for Disney's Tangled – The Sidekicks: http://bit.ly/avlVsP YouTube: http://fb.me/AfbBtJ1m #
- OMG! This is hilarious! Check out the SNL Back to the Future Screen Tests! Don't forget there's also a part 2! http://fb.me/NbEoiFF1 #