- You know what they say… "Every time you miss a preview trailer, Jesus punches an angel in the anus…" http://bit.ly/kWMKGk #
- @testxaccount Unfortunately I've only seen the SD trailer for Sleeping Beauty around. If I do locate an HD version, I'll let you know. in reply to testxaccount #
- Check out this fan-made HD trailer for Transformers 3 (Dark of the Moon)! Download details in video description. http://youtu.be/6MwYq_Tbcg8 #
- Check out this Action Films 2011 HD trailers compilation done by our very own IG3N! This is EPIC! http://vimeo.com/23170705 #
- For those who missed out tweet last night, check out this EPIC Action Films 2011 HD trailers compilation! http://vimeo.com/23170705 #
- @mifff @siffnews I was thinking of going to see The First Grader. Got any other recommendations? in reply to mifff #
- Is The Ledge the new Phone Booth? Stars Terrence Howard, Charlie Hunnam, Liv Tyler, and Patrick Wilson. http://t.co/QH2qaeQ #
- Horror fans will enjoy this new take on zombies – Rammbock: Berlin Undead http://t.co/K6dq3kx #
- Oooh! A new HD trailer for Green Lantern (Ryan Reynolds) is out! http://t.co/SbOmfRx via @hdtrailers #
- Not quite sure what's going on, but Michael Winterbottom and Steve Coogan in The Trip do some pretty good impersonations http://t.co/XWuJPqF #
- Oooh! The full length HD trailer for Conan the Barbarian is out. What do you guys think? http://t.co/8cYwdb1 #
- @soulless_swede Yep. Just noticed it. Should be fixed now. Thanks! in reply to soulless_swede #
- Anna Faris and Chris Evans star in the upcoming romantic comedy – What's Your Number? A huge number of cameos too! http://t.co/cFwmCsI #
- Is anyone having issues browsing our site using IE9? I've gotten an email about it but was unable to reproduce the issue myself. #
- Like hot chicks playing with big guns, then you won't be disappointed with @zoesaldana in Colombiana. http://t.co/lxwCEdj #
- In Her Skin appears to be an interesting mystery case involving a missing daughter starring Guy Pearce. http://t.co/xuLc9Pp #
- AWESOME! Check out the 3 new character profiles for X-Men: First Class!!! http://t.co/liEdX6b #
- For those who missed our tweet last night, check out the 3 new character profiles for X-Men: First Class!!! http://t.co/liEdX6b #
- Check out my friend's short film The Bridge, an 8-minute WW2 re-enactment. Very well done! http://youtu.be/-vPY1X6IDLo #
- @tycheleto Hopefully soon. 1080p HD trailers are so sweet!
in reply to tycheleto #