- Pretty amusing live action interpretation of Wile E. Coyote vs the Road Runner (via @angelgrrl813) http://fb.me/CYMlao6I #
- @b_hov @CroixDeMalte Haha. Nice! 😀 in reply to b_hov #
- What if the Beaver in the Beaver trailer used Mel Gibson's angry phone calls instead? (via @cinemablend) http://fb.me/AmOUmV4m #
- @screenrant I don't think they care. They'll just create new accounts and spam you some more. in reply to screenrant #
- @spastikchuwawa @watchinpreacher I chuckled after reading it. ;p in reply to spastikchuwawa #
- 2 new HD clips for this week's #1 movie: Tangled http://fb.me/LgkTwCYR #
- @hdtrailers Make that 3 new Tangled HD clips. in reply to hdtrailers #
- Inception in Real-Time w/ dreams side by side (via @cinemablend) http://fb.me/PKyOOvq8 #
- 2 new HD clips for TRON: Legacy, one introducing Castor (Michael Sheen) http://fb.me/PzpLXDST #
- Pretty funny HD teaser for Arthur Christmas with Morgan Freeman narrating. http://fb.me/JwWURcrz #
- New thriller featuring lights & shadows – Vanishing on 7th Street (Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton) – HD trailer: http://fb.me/MkRxL1oR #
- This is what happens when you mash up scenes from Toy Story w/ True Grit's trailer audio – Toy Grit: http://fb.me/DdoS7obX #
- Tons of action in the new HD trailer for I am Number Four! http://fb.me/AOsWX53z #
- The 2nd HD trailer for the animated film Rio has been released. http://fb.me/KFIbEBld #
- The announcement HD Teaser Trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon has been released! http://fb.me/MzuDrV7u #
- @jeysiec Glad you found our tutorial helpful 😀 in reply to jeysiec #
- New international HD trailer for the new comedy Just Go With It (Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston) via Movie-List.com http://fb.me/xNYjaJLl #
- @Spatacoli That's hilarious! in reply to Spatacoli #
- What if you had boxing with robots? Reminds me of Rock 'Em Sock 'Em ROBOTS. Real Steel (Hugh Jackman) HD trailer: http://fb.me/CFItGbfC #
- Can the luck of the Irish save Danny Greene when the whole mafia is after him? Kill the Irishman HD trailer: http://fb.me/M563SI8V #
- The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. New HD trailer for The Rite: http://fb.me/zoGDePUh #
- A couple new TRON: Legacy HD clips have been released! http://fb.me/vd4HrT12 #
- @grwebguy They'll be on our main page http://www.hd-trailers.net/ or you could follow our blog or RSS feed http://blog.hd-trailers.net/ in reply to grwebguy #
- The official music video of Daft Punk – Derezzed (from TRON: Legacy) via Movie-List.com http://fb.me/NRZ00Jhx #
- The HD trailer for Thor has just been released! (Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman) http://fb.me/PJVr4uSn #
- @hdtrailers Olivia Wilde actually makes a cameo! in reply to hdtrailers #
- I'd definitely watch Tomb Raider if Olivia Wilde plays Lara Croft http://bit.ly/gmbiyv (-_^x) #
- @ryandjohnson Took me a bit, but I figured out what you meant ;p in reply to ryandjohnson #
- @alexeimenardo Depends if you're looking for comic relief or for action. Green Latern feels like the former and Thor feels like the latter. in reply to alexeimenardo #
- Pretty neat cinematic HD trailer for the upcoming game: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim http://fb.me/G5thkrmt #
- @hdtrailers Does anyone know if the background music is specific to Elder Scrolls V or is it from somewhere else? in reply to hdtrailers #
- @Spatacoli They do? That's weird… I know you need flash to view in browser or logged in to download. in reply to Spatacoli #