A bold new chapter in the franchise, Predators stars Adrien Brody as a cold-blooded mercenary who must lead a group of elite warriors who have been brought together on an alien planet… as prey. With the notable exception of a disgraced physician, they are all killers — mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death squad members — human predators that are now being hunted. (Source)
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The international trailer wmv file does not have a working audio track. Anybody have a mp4 or mov version of this with working audio?
Hmmmm, I was able to hear the audio fine from this trailer. Have you tried using a different media player?
Yeah, the audio sort of works with VLC if you set the audio to mono, otherwise it has L/R balance issues. It doesn’t have audio at all on my WD TV video player set-top-box thing (which is what I tried first).
Oh, well. Somewhere, someone will eventually post the trailer as a mp4 or mov. Of course, I’ll probably have seen the film by then. 🙂