- 'The Hangover' was freaking hilarious! http://bit.ly/et34O #
- Sandra Bullock tops box office with $34M weekend for 'The Proposal' – http://bit.ly/Ugj9H via @yahoomovies HD Trailer: http://bit.ly/8AuRE #
- Could this be? It looks like we just reached 200 followers! Thanks to @moustafabaalbak @australiagao @yerdito #
- What do people think of 'Public Enemies' filming style? http://bit.ly/YVVDa – I find it very unpolished. Not sure if that's good or bad. #
- New trailers for 'Transformers 2' – http://bit.ly/145Wz6 and 'G.I. Joe' – http://bit.ly/6RrCG via @yahoomovies Download: http://bit.ly/ZtgU6 #
- @ghacks @ghacksnews Saw your article on 'Download HD Movie Trailers'. Wondering if you've heard about HD-Trailers.net #
- @andymcnally Not sure if you've heard of http://www.HD-Trailers.net in reply to andymcnally #
- @ChrisFyvie Not sure if you've heard of http://www.HD-Trailers.net in reply to ChrisFyvie #
- @TobyZ Not sure if you've heard of http://www.HD-Trailers.net in reply to TobyZ #
- @LifehackerFeed @Lifehacker Not sure if you've heard of http://www.HD-Trailers.net in reply to LifehackerFeed #
- @socialcharlotte Not sure if you've heard of http://www.HD-Trailers.net in reply to socialcharlotte #
- @epmiali @Alvin_N @edriddle @jwolfepr @malcolm_rogers Saw your tweets on Trailer Freaks. Wondering if you've heard of http://www.hd-trailers.net in reply to epmiali #
- #Disney HD trailer posted: Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo: http://bit.ly/UNhKy #ghibli via @iTunesTrailers Download: http://bit.ly/wsqUz #
- posted new HD Trailers! 'Ponyo', 'Old Dog', 'G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra', 'Transformers 2', 'Halloween II', + more: http://bit.ly/25QjmA #
- @EsbjornLarsen @joelnewcomer @xyf @tayzar44 @b1ue5ky Saw your tweet on Trailer Freaks. Wondering if you've heard of http://www.hd-trailers.net in reply to EsbjornLarsen #
- @rianjs Maybe being nocturnal isn't all that bad 😉 in reply to rianjs #
- Site containing tons of HD movie and game trailers which are MP4 PS3 ready: http://www.gamecrapping.com/ #
- @neoxdonut @ekston @caparica Saw your tweet on Trailer Freaks. Wondering if you've heard of http://www.hd-trailers.net in reply to neoxdonut #
- New HD trailers posted! 'Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs', 'Inglourious Basterds' 'Batman', 'The Last Airbender' + more: http://bit.ly/2QvxeB #
- @HyacintheR Thanks for the RTs! 🙂 in reply to HyacintheR #
- Penny Arcade posted a comic strip on 'The Last Airbender': http://bit.ly/1GXml – See the HD trailer for the here: http://bit.ly/NDjQF #
- RT @netflix: Ever wonder how we get those Netflix red envelopes to you? Check photos on our Facebook page: http://twurl.cc/16ae #
- New HD trailers posted! 'Public Enemies', 'The September Issue', 'The Box', '500 Days of Summer', and 'Transformers 2': http://bit.ly/2PDLe #
- @rianjs Thanks for the RT! 🙂 in reply to rianjs #
- I'm personally a fan of @netflix, but you can get a 3 month free trial @blockbuster: http://bit.ly/A32tv That's the whole summer! #
- @rianjs But there's nothing to watch in your case. Unless you mean the tracking info on the website. ;p in reply to rianjs #
- The King of Pop is dead. RIP MJ #
- New HD trailers posted! 'Public Enemies', 'Daybreakers', 'Spread', 'Amelia', and 'The Last Airbender': http://bit.ly/47lNi8 #
- Haha! @hulu added the 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' movie to their online streaming collection: http://bit.ly/KQ3XR #
- @coren42 Thanks for the RT! 🙂 in reply to coren42 #
- hmmmmm. @rangershockey (New York Rangers) is following me. #
- @Netflixhelps ended up creating a custom stylesheet to fix the issue by increasing the width by 1px: span.mltBtn { width:111px !important; } in reply to Netflixhelps #
- @fahed Thanks for linking to us! 🙂 in reply to fahed #
- Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Tina Fey in 'The Invention of Lying' trailer http://bit.ly/Fcc8o @yahoomovies Download: http://bit.ly/k0g7o #
- RT @netflix @THR: Michael Jackson scene cut from 'Bruno' http://bit.ly/jzEfz Dramatic edit just hours before LA premiere . . . #
- New Restricted Clip for 'The Ugly Truth': http://bit.ly/OCBNZ (red band) Starring Gerard Butler and Katherine Heigl. #
- Free Mp3 from Transformers Soundtrack: Linkin Park – New Divide @Rhapsody: http://bit.ly/pzbUp – After checkout, you can zip and download. #
- New HD trailers posted! 'Cheri', 'The Box', 'The Ugly Truth', 'The Invention of Lying' + more: http://bit.ly/E3eTe #
- 27/50 of the Top Songs on iTunes are either by Michael Jackson or Jackson 5. http://yfrog.com/5kupqp #
- RT @krunk4ever: Xbox Live 12-Month Gold Card for $28 shipped: http://bit.ly/69SbN – Use Bing & get 8% cashback! (hint: search for wii) #