Update 2014/05/18: MovieFone redid their website and is no longer providing direct download links. I’ll try to find some time later this week to update this tutorial.
Visit MovieFone’s movie trailers page and locate the movie you want. Movies with HD trailers typically display the following below it:
Right click the resolution you want and save the file. Simple as that!
When will you make a tutorial about how to download from Moviefone?
Enjoy! (^_^x)
Im trying to download lot of files from pdl.stream.aol.com >>> http://pdl.stream.aol.com/pdlext/aol/brightcove/ame/201302/19/2440/thecall_trlr_02_mf__32_1080p_dl.mov but file not found (failed – Server problem, should I wait… maybe is maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Is that happened before !?
MovieFone switched from pdl.stream.aol.com to avideos.5min.com for streaming their trailers, so I wouldn’t count on that coming back.
Thx Krunk, I succeeded to download 25 trailers in 10 min, than stops again. Aaaand Im waitng that 10 min again o_0 ….
strange, strange… I hope for 20 to finish the list…
Is it possible to use this program to DL other kinds of video, such as video feeds from BBC? Being in NET blocking country means ENG TV and streaming isn’t an option, so DL would be outstanding….