A heist movie in the classic Hollywood tradition, LADRON QUE ROBA A LADRON follows two crack thieves, Emilio and Alejandro, who reunite to rob the biggest thief they know – Moctesuma Valdez, a TV infomercial guru who’s made millions selling worthless health products to poor Latino immigrants. Valdez’s empire is next to impossible to infiltrate. But Emilio and Alejandro know if they go undercover as day laborers – chauffeurs, gardeners, maids, and repairmen – they can rob Valdez blind right under his nose. It’s a perfect plan…except that no one on their team wants the job. (Source)
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Interesting movie. It felt very similar to Ocean’s Eleven, where it’s about coming up with a plan robbing someone and executing it. Also, the 1st thing I noticed is the person they’re robbing looks very much like George Clooney, which is why Ocean’s Eleven popped into my head even before I realize it was a robbing movie.