Avatar is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people. More than 10 years in the making, Avatar marks Cameron’s return to feature directing since helming 1997’s Titanic, the highest grossing film of all time and winner of 11 Oscars including Best Picture. (Source)
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That is too huge a size for a 2.5 minute video (the result of the video being in .wmv I guess). I hope there is an .mp4 encode for this video in 720p soon.
wmv is actually a rather good video encoder. IGN for some reason just decided to encode this at 7000Kbps bitrate, when typically 720p content has ~4500Kbps bitrate.
I’ve re-encoded it in H.264 (MP4). Enjoy.
Also, the video is closer to 3.5 minutes.
While watching the featurette, did the amp suit remind you of the APUs (Armored Personnel Units) from The Matrix Revolutions?
Krunk, the amp suit/apu in Matrix Revolutions were hardly original. Cameron designed one for the movie Aliens in 1986!
@Richy Oh I wasn’t saying it was original in The Matrix Revolutions, but this featurette made it seem like it’s the 1st time the world has seen such a suit.
Ahh sorry Krunk. I can’t really remember Matrix Revolutions – did the units in that movie have the same range of motion that the ones in Avatar have? I think they were clunky, weren’t they, and based on a different concept?
@Richy: Range of motion wise, it was pretty similar. However, the guns on the APUs I believe were part of the armor suit, while in the Avatar, it looks like they can pick up different weapons.
More info:
Downloaded the mp4 version and just watched it. There’s another .mp4 out on Youtube which has half the size of this one.
And yeah, the APUs are pretty similar to the one’s found in The Matrix Revolutions. They look almost exactly the same with minor differences (the humans on Pandora are more well protected in this one as opposed to the ones on Zion which I suppose has got to do with the toxic environment of Pandora [Zion was on Earth itself]). And their working is exactly the same from what we hear in this featurette (Did The Matrix Revolutions influence Cameron ???)
Also, after having read the scriptment, the movie I believe is almost exactly similar to it (I believe I could identify scenes from the scriptment in the theatrical trailer and I also believe the trailer contains the penultimate shot of the movie). The changes I believe are not as huge as they’re supposedly projected to be. However, these are just my thoughts.
[P.S.: Never thought you’d actually find the time to reply. And you’re a great job. If only you could have HD trailers of some older movies, it would be just perfect. Anyways, this site is quality stuff. Seriously !!]
@ Mr.D “If only you could have HD trailers of some older movies, it would be just perfect”.
Krunk has made several posts which archive the entire history of HD movie trailers which you can find on the link below:
Thanks a lot for the link. I never knew such an Archive Batch actually existed on this blog. Hopefully Krunk will continue to update it.