- Finally. An actual trailer for The Muppets. http://t.co/kueNdBL #
- w00t! We broke 2000 fans on Facebook! (^_^x) http://t.co/SNvoran #
- @lermario Thanks! We'll check them out! in reply to lermario #
- @kcarag Hi, we did get the email, but the attached clip was only 480p and we generally require at least 720p for clips to be posted. in reply to kcarag #
- @kcarag Yep. The clip from the FTP server was only 480p. in reply to kcarag #
- When 2 crews try to rob the same bank, hilarity ensues in Flypaper (Patrick Dempsey, @AshleyJudd, @jeffreytambor) http://t.co/9mcbUAp #
- @wickfordweather It could've been, but it appears to be up now.
in reply to wickfordweather #
- Get ready for Puss in Boots! Trailer to be released later today! http://t.co/Iqj2gL4 #
- @kcarag Cool! Downloading right now. Will post this once it's ready
in reply to kcarag #
- Hilarious documentary on vampires. Not scary. Not sexy. Not Trendy. Just Belgian. http://t.co/0X2TBhK #
- @kcarag Posted: http://t.co/epWn90j in reply to kcarag #
- New trailer for Puss in Boots is out and it looks really fun! Will definitely be a big hit with cat lovers. http://t.co/L6Go8IG #
- @thameralshami @lllSCOOPlll I would suggest you give http://t.co/t4J1qsu a shot for HD trailers (-_^x) in reply to thameralshami #
- I never knew about the orange/blue contrast in movie posters! Once you see it, you can't unsee it! http://t.co/sb0OWAS #
- New HD TV Spot for Conan the Barbarian – One Warrior http://t.co/B6USdxV #
- Footloose, remake of Kevin Bacon's 80s film. Never heard of the original, but seems like Grease + Step Up. Thoughts? http://t.co/GezOZS3 #
- @wandering_fairy (^_^x) in reply to wandering_fairy #
- @Momma_Lissa Already in my @netflix queue.
in reply to Momma_Lissa #
- "Cash or credit for your rape kit?" Hilarious new trailer for 30 Minutes or Less (Jesse Eisenberg, @azizansari) http://t.co/NNzm1Nf #
- Is this the 1st time Jason Statham and Clive Owen are in the same movie together? Tons of action! Killer Elite: http://t.co/Ppe8aB7 #
- Michael Fassbender as Jung, Viggo Mortensen as Freud, & Keira Knightley as patient, A Dangerous Method looks interesting http://t.co/A4dxgzg #
- Full 2 minute international trailer for Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. TONS OF NEW FOOTAGE! http://t.co/olbLW0q #
- Ever wonder how much dedication is put into making indie games? This documentary talks w/ popular Indie Game developers: http://t.co/p5tDKUY #
- New HD trailer for Captain America: The First Avenger. Coming 7/22! Excited?!?! http://t.co/IegqkAQ #
- @advanced_dark You can download it here: http://t.co/IegqkAQ (the one released on 6/23) in reply to advanced_dark #
- John Cusack as the tormented Edgar Allen Poe in the upcoming film, Raven: http://t.co/YkfIl95 #
- Sweet! Both Iron Man 2 http://t.co/Ygf1Sbl & Ip Man 2 http://t.co/r3mYolW are available for instant watch @netflix #
- New HD featurette for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 – Story: http://t.co/fyMdvKC #HP7 #
- What do you do when you find out both your parents were ex-porn stars? Meet Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star – HD trailer http://t.co/pwKkiR5 #
- Just saw Ip Man 2 on @netflix Instant Watch! See my comments: http://t.co/qw1wP7E #
- Hang on Woody! http://t.co/dFzk5Gi #