Did You Hear About the Morgans? (Theatrical Trailer)

Did You Hear About the Morgans? Poster Romantic-comedy regulars Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker finally unite in this fish-out-of-water laugher. The actors play Paul and Meryl Morgan, a Manhattan couple whose marriage is in danger. But it turns out all they may need is a change of scenery: when the Morgans witness a murder and are sent by the government to small-town Wyoming to hide from the killers, their marriage shows signs of recovery. DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE MORGANS? also stars Sam Elliott, Mary Steenburgen, and Elisabeth Moss. (Source)

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1 thought on “Did You Hear About the Morgans? (Theatrical Trailer)

  1. “In New York City, an estranged couple who witness a murder are relocated to small-town Wyoming as part of a witness-protection program.”

    When I first read this short summary of the movie I thought it could be another Killshot type movie, then saw this trailer found out who was in it and then realized it was just another romance / comedy. Bit of a disappointment.

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