A rollicking comedy-adventure about a group of middle-aged friends who decide to rev up their routine suburban lives with a freewheeling motorcycle trip. Taking a long dreamed-of breather from their stressful jobs and family responsibilities, they can’t wait to feel the freedom of the open road. (Source)
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Critics have been panning Wild Hogs in their writings. I have read a lot of negative response from the same goof-balls that have promoted some very bad movies. Sometimes I wonder if they are on certain payrolls to give a certain vote towards a movie. With that said—Wild Hogs is absolutely wonderful. In today’s day of poor comedies (see anything starring Will Farrell for example) that do not produce a laugh or a smirk—Wild Hogs is a breath of fresh air. I have lately been happy if a movie has at least one good laugh to feel like my admission fee was worth spending. And in today’s movie world, most movies are one joke wonders. Wild Hogs is a throw back to the days of My Cousin Vinny, Airplane, and Young Frankenstein. This movie was filled with laughs and good gags. The movie starts off slow and is reminiscent of a couple of failed Tim Allen projects (Shaggy Dog and Zoom), but after about 15 minutes it shifts gear and becomes a wonderful comedy well worth spending the admission fee. If you want to have a good laugh and enjoy yourself—see Wild Hogs.