Converting .mov to .mp4 Guide

For the past few months, Alex had been providing us with 1080p MP4 HD trailers which you can use to play on your PS3 (PlayStation 3). I thought it’d be neat and in the spirit of this site to provide a guide/tutorial on how he accomplishes the conversion.

Alex has kindly written up a tutorial on how he converts the .mov HD trailers to .mp4 files: Convert .mov to .mp4

He usually uses Quicktime Pro to do the conversion, but since Quicktime Pro isn’t free, he went and searched for a free alternative:

So after a small research, I came across a program called Yamb. Produces the same results as QuickTime Pro… for free!

Alex is also intending to do another tutorial for converting using Quicktime Pro and you can expect that shortly.

We hope you’ll find it useful.


As a continuation from yesterday’s posted guide, Alex has provided an update on how to use QuickTime Pro for the conversion. The guide is still located at:

Convert .mov to .mp4

Any comments and feedback are welcomed.