Comments on: Control (Teaser Trailer) Easiest way to download HD (High Definition) movie trailers! Sat, 28 Mar 2009 13:20:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Krunk Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:03:26 +0000 As the trailer states, the husband wanted it, the wife needed it, but no one had it, which of course refers to the title of this movie: Control.

They often say people who don’t fully understand something find it weird, and I must admit I found the storyline of this movie to be somewhat weird, but maybe workable. I’ll have to wait to see.

The movie seems to be about a young boy, who was married early and even has a daughter, but decides to go off to start a band, which gets very popular. Then he loses control and begins having affairs with random woman (as most pop stars do I’m assuming) and the wife is not forgiving and his life is cracking beneath him.
